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::About the Author::

Screen Name:  Karete

Real Name:  Kat (yeah that's all you're getting)

Name in Japanese: 

Where do I start?

In the beginning there was a void...

Too far back you say?  No?  Ah, too cliche`.

I suppose I have always wanted to write.  Something inside me just likes to tell stories.  I read far too much as a child, I know that much.  Five novels a week is probably too much for anyone, let alone a girl of 12.  No wonder I had to get glasses.

But it wasn't until I resumed my interest in anime that I really felt like I had to put pen (or whatever writing instrument happened to be laying around) to paper.  Again I had watched anime from a very young age; I grew up with Astro Boy, Transformers, Voltron, Kimba the White Lion, and Esteban and the Cities of Gold.  So when what I like to call the "anime and manga revolution" hit, I was ready to get swept up into it like so many others.

I blame it on Dragonball Z.

I hear you groaning.  Well, it could've been worse.  It could've been Sailormoon.

The characters from Dragonball Z will remain some of my favourites until the end of time.  I am now, and will always be, a screaming Zarbon fangirl.  Hey, I have to have some flaws, okay?

It is thanks mainly to my fangirly persuasion that I began to write.  Fanfiction was a discovery that I would never have dreamed about had I not come across it one day while out looking for anime pictures on the web.  Slowly my fanfiction began to overshadow my first love; drawing.  Now I find a balance between the two - when I have writers block, I'll draw, when I can't make a line curve right, I write.

After the first giddyness of publishing something to the web I felt kind of let down by the lack of response.  Until a fangirl as big as me (or possibly bigger.  No, quite likely bigger) left a review of one of my stories.

That was three years ago.  I still speak to her every other week.

If I hadn't fallen in with her group of internet friends, or found my anime/manga obsessed group from University, I would not be making this website, have an active DeviantArt account, participate in one of the most interesting (yet bizarre) online RPGs, or still be writing fanfiction.

So if you hate my work, well, you can always blame them.  XD

- Karete


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